CLIENT: Zhengjiang Water  LOCATION: Zhenjiang, Jiansu Province, China  YEAR: 2016

Green Earth Operations (GEO) worked with Herrera Environment Concultants, Inc. to provide a comprehensive stormwater quality solution for all stormwater runoff generated within the campus
and entering the Yudai River which borders the campus to the south. The goal of this project is to meet to meet Class IV water standards in the Yudai River. The design team developed treatment facility sizing tools to design 26 Gravity Swales™ at each stormwater outfall. The Gravity Swales™ is a bio-retention technology using high performance media in combination of TSS removal technology. A total treatment area of 11,606m2 is being provided. This desing work was closely coordinated with Beilin, the project landscape architect to ensure the facilities were well integrated into the site landscape.